You may not have known it, but there are about 2,700 types of worms. One of the best kinds for doing composting or for fishing are red worms. Red worms are quite common and can live for up to five years, which is one reason people like to use them. Some of the other names they go by include tiger worms, manure worms, brandling worms, and striped worms.
Feeding and care of red worms
As you can see by their name, these worms are red in color, and when they stretch out that’s when you’ll notice the striping on their bodies. They are easy to care for and maintain. Some of what red worms eat include:
Shredded leaves
- Vegetable scraps and peels
- Coffee grounds
- Coffee filters
- Fruit skins and cores (no citrus fruits)
- Moist tea bags
- Breads (moistened prior to use)
- Dry dog food (moistened prior to use)
- Shredded cardboard
- Ground up egg shells (sparingly)
- Grass clippings
Things not to feed red worms:
- Dairy products
- Meat products
- Processed foods
- Fish products
- Grease or oils
- Human waste
Uses for red worms

As stated earlier red worms are mostly used for fishing bait and composting. Red worms can actually convert organic elements into a rich all-natural fertilizer via earthworm castings, which are their poop. In only a day they can generate about 75 percent of their body weight in these castings. This is like gold for producing healthy and large fruits and vegetables, as well as for a green and lovely lawn.
When it comes to using them for fishing bait, they are great for fish such as perch, trout, bluegill and crappies, but other types of fish will happily eat them as well. Fishermen love them because they can survive submerged under water for much longer than some other breeds of worms used for fishing.
Breeding red worms
Red worms are simple to breed and very prolific. They can lay a single egg capsule once a week and each of these capsules holds about 3 or 4 baby worms. So, as long as you keep your worms healthy and happy, you’ll never run out of them. You just need a container such as a five gallon bucket, bedding, appropriate food and moisture and you’re set for raising red worms.
Just remember to not keep the bucket in direct sunlight and keep them in a warm, dark area like a basement for best results. Be sure to weekly fluff up their bedding of shredded papers or other materials so they get enough oxygen, and spray their enclosure with water if it looks too dry, but don’t drown them.
All in all, red worms are a kind of common earthworm used mainly composting and as fish bait. They are easy to feed, breed and maintain and can be kept in your basement or outside if the temperature is warm enough for them. So, if you want the best gardens or to catch the most fish, be sure to get yourself some red worms today.